Well, I'm Back

Posted on 12/22/2010 by 5 Guita | 1 Firmas

And thus it was. A fourth year of marketing ended. And the fellowship of the UADE... though eternally bound by boredom and tiredness... also ended. Five years to the day since La Salette sent me on my long journey... I found myself looking upon a familiar sight. I was home.
How do you pick up the threads of an old subject? How do you go on WikiWalking... when in your heart you begin to understand... there is no one in there to grade you? There are somethings that time cannot mend... some subjects that you study so hard... that have taken hold. Fernando once told me his part in this college would end... that each of us must come and go in the subte. Fernando's story was now over. There would be no more journeys for him... save one. Next Thursday at Muni.
My dear Piti. You cannot always be torn in two. Sur or Gesell? You will have to be one and whole for many years. At least for the next two months. You have so much to enjoy and to be and to do (and to WikiWalk). Your part in the story will go on.

5Guita os pone en guardia.

Posted on 12/17/2010 by 5 Guita | 1 Firmas

Atencion, habeis ingresado en territorio de Oleeros*. Correis grave peligro.
Voto a brios!

*Bandidos de los pantanos; debe dominarse la tecnica del monociclo alto para enfrentarlos: aun en tal caso, es recomendable evitarlos.

5Guita goes retro

Posted on 12/10/2010 by 5 Guita | 2 Firmas

Diciembre es el Viernes del año, dijo Eneas.

Mucho tiempo atras.

5Guita goes emo

Posted on 12/10/2010 by 5 Guita | 1 Firmas

Y bueno, ya esta, caput, ce fini, this is the end.
Otro año que se va, otro paso a la tumba. Estamos viviendo el ocaso del 2010, un 2010 que arranco cargado de sueños y esperanzas y Jonas Gutierrez de 4/carrilero.
Un 2010 que nos acerco a tierras sudafricanas y nos hizo sufrir los constantes comentarios del pelotudo de Niembro.
Un 2010 que le dio exito y fracaso al gran Bichi Borghi.
Un gran año.
Y se va, se va para nunca mas volver, como este segundo, o este, o este. Y asi seguimos, pobres motas de polvo, inmersos en un esquema gigantesco que por tal aparenta ser absurdo.
Oh, la vida!

Ademas, Mc Donalds esta carisimo.

Comprendo que, gramaticalmente, la forma correcta es "5Guita Go Emo", porque they tiene mucho mas sentido que it, pero queda mejor asi.

Extra Extra 5 guita Apesta

Posted on 12/04/2010 by 5 Guita | 0 Firmas

Dedicado a todo 5 guita que la tiene re adentro

Feliz Cumple Sergi

Posted on 12/03/2010 by 5 Guita | 1 Firmas

Este es nuestro regalo, de corazón.